Mark Donahue Talks About His Bestselling Book "Answer Man"
by Shahbaz Ahmed
Vents Magazine
May 28, 2021
MARK DONAHUE HAS AN ESTABLISHED history of writing bestselling books, and this streak continues with Answer Man a phenomenal addition to the science fiction world. In this book he takes readers on a rollercoaster of a ride, in which earth speeding toward certain destruction, and a lone alien, and seven strangers hold the keys to saving the world as we know it.
People who are looking for “the read of the season” will want to pick up this brilliant book, which is loaded with adventure and intriguing characters. But be warned, once you pick it up you might not be able to put it down. Luckily there are four more books of Donahue’s already out with more to come.
Donahue took some time out of his busy schedule to talk with us about Answer Man, life and what he is doing next.
Answer Man certainly takes readers on quite the thrilling ride on so many levels. Did this story come purely out of your imagination?
Well, being an alien from a planet far, far away helped in crafting my story.
Writing is an evolutionary process for many authors, especially those who have written as many books as you have. What would you say is the most significant factor that has changed your writing over time?
Growing older helps. In my 20’s and 30’s I did not have the life experience to create the stories and characters I have over the last 10 years. Can’t say I’m a better writer, I just know more stuff to write about.
When you did the final read through for Answer Man, what was your favorite part and why?
As with any story, the ending puts a bow on a story. A weak ending makes for a weak book. I like my ending.
Do you feel that Answer Man is more of a summertime beach read or should it be savored after dinner with a whiskey?
Given it's a relatively short book, I think you could drink more and eat less and still enjoy it.
How did you balance writing your story your way while giving readers what they want?
I don’t think most writers write books for readers. They write to tell their own story and hope a certain number of readers like what they wrote.
People who are looking for “the read of the season” will want to pick up this brilliant book, which is loaded with adventure and intriguing characters. But be warned, once you pick it up you might not be able to put it down. Luckily there are four more books of Donahue’s already out with more to come.
Donahue took some time out of his busy schedule to talk with us about Answer Man, life and what he is doing next.
Answer Man certainly takes readers on quite the thrilling ride on so many levels. Did this story come purely out of your imagination?
Well, being an alien from a planet far, far away helped in crafting my story.
Writing is an evolutionary process for many authors, especially those who have written as many books as you have. What would you say is the most significant factor that has changed your writing over time?
Growing older helps. In my 20’s and 30’s I did not have the life experience to create the stories and characters I have over the last 10 years. Can’t say I’m a better writer, I just know more stuff to write about.
When you did the final read through for Answer Man, what was your favorite part and why?
As with any story, the ending puts a bow on a story. A weak ending makes for a weak book. I like my ending.
Do you feel that Answer Man is more of a summertime beach read or should it be savored after dinner with a whiskey?
Given it's a relatively short book, I think you could drink more and eat less and still enjoy it.
How did you balance writing your story your way while giving readers what they want?
I don’t think most writers write books for readers. They write to tell their own story and hope a certain number of readers like what they wrote.
Talking With Bestseller Author Mark Donahue About Aliens, Life, and His New Book
by Nakul Mittal
May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021
MARK DONAHUE'S BOOKS have been trending on the bestseller list, and it’s no surprise given the epic adventures he takes readers on and this is very much the case for Answer Man, which stormed onto the bestseller list. This thrilling read has the earth heading for annihilation, a lone alien, and seven strangers trying to save the world.
Answer Man includes a dynamic and attention grabbing plotline, and characters that come alive before your eyes – and keep you engaged from beginning to end. Readers who are looking for the read of the season, which will leave them wanting more, should check out this, and the rest of Donahue’s books.
Recently Donahue was gracious enough to answer some of our questions about everything from inspiration and aliens to character development and what’s next for this talented writer.
David finds the earth and humanity worth saving even though his superiors don’t because of humanity's bad attitude. How long have you been mulling over this concept, and how did you decide to write about it?
There is so much division on Earth between and among countries and cultures that I decided to create an event that MIGHT bring everyone together. Putting the planet at risk would seem to be an event that coalesced 6 billion people on Earth but David soon realizes our planet may not be worth saving.
How much of yourself do you find in David, your protagonist? Was any of it intentional?
I think nearly every character every writer creates contains a bit of themselves, both good and bad. By the way, I am an alien from another planet and have been on Earth for nearly 200 years. Really.
This book is chock full of compelling characters, which character is your favorite and why?
I like Mei. She’s brilliant, funny, compassionate and would make a fun date.
What is your favorite under the radar novel?
Last at Bat. Brilliant writing.
Covid 19 changed the world, what was it like writing and planning the launch of this book and the other four you have written during Covid?
Covid forced writers to write because there wasn’t a whole lot else to do. In terms of launching books the biggest drawback was there were no bookstore book signings available. Hopefully that changes.
Answer Man includes a dynamic and attention grabbing plotline, and characters that come alive before your eyes – and keep you engaged from beginning to end. Readers who are looking for the read of the season, which will leave them wanting more, should check out this, and the rest of Donahue’s books.
Recently Donahue was gracious enough to answer some of our questions about everything from inspiration and aliens to character development and what’s next for this talented writer.
David finds the earth and humanity worth saving even though his superiors don’t because of humanity's bad attitude. How long have you been mulling over this concept, and how did you decide to write about it?
There is so much division on Earth between and among countries and cultures that I decided to create an event that MIGHT bring everyone together. Putting the planet at risk would seem to be an event that coalesced 6 billion people on Earth but David soon realizes our planet may not be worth saving.
How much of yourself do you find in David, your protagonist? Was any of it intentional?
I think nearly every character every writer creates contains a bit of themselves, both good and bad. By the way, I am an alien from another planet and have been on Earth for nearly 200 years. Really.
This book is chock full of compelling characters, which character is your favorite and why?
I like Mei. She’s brilliant, funny, compassionate and would make a fun date.
What is your favorite under the radar novel?
Last at Bat. Brilliant writing.
Covid 19 changed the world, what was it like writing and planning the launch of this book and the other four you have written during Covid?
Covid forced writers to write because there wasn’t a whole lot else to do. In terms of launching books the biggest drawback was there were no bookstore book signings available. Hopefully that changes.